Monday, September 19, 2005

Da Vinci Dollars

Just another reminder of how out of touch Hollywood producers can be.

This article explores how the makers of the "Da Vinci Code" movie are trying to tone down its anti-Catholic message. They even explore using the movie to attract religious attenders:

"The phrase I heard used several times was 'Passion dollars'; they want to try to get 'The Passion' dollars if they can," said Ms. Nicolosi, referring to her conversations about the film. "They're wrong," she added. "It's sacrilegious, irreligious. They're thinking they can ride the 'Passion' wave with this. And I said, 'Are you kidding me?' "

The book has been hugely popular, and I'm sure the movie will be also. But it's amazing to think the producers believe they can tap into a religious audience. And it's scary to think that people are getting their view of religion from this novel, which is ludicrous as far as its premise, and patronizingly polemic in its presentation (all the smartest people know the truth about this, it's just the simpletons who are kept ignorant by the wiles of the church).

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