Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thoughts on Christian Leadership

...received from a friend today:

Christian leadership: Follow Christ so that when others follow you they’ll be following Him. Take the back seat at the banquet. Don’t tell everyone the good you are doing. Be counted as garbage for the cause of the Gospel. Wash the disciples feet. Die for the sheep. Pray so that people ask you how to pray. Love your enemies. Submit yourself to others. Sleep in the boat while everyone else is in a panic. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Be patient. Rejoice when they credit Christ and forget you. Be surprised that they let you lead. Weep over your city. Touch the lepers. Maintain a reputation of hanging around all the wrong people. Say you’re sorry – in public. Talk about your witnessing experiences. Forgive. Know your Bible. That’s enough, though it is not all.

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