Thursday, January 01, 2009

The less religious a person is...

...the more he looks for a political savior.

I certainly have hopes for governments and leaders, but they are mixed with scepticism.

I put my secure hope in God and his kingdom, and his power to transform peoples' lives. And in his promise of a future perfect kingdom, in heaven!

On earth I see myself more as an agent of his kingdom than as a subject of any human government, and that gives me confidence even when the world seems to be falling apart. I am part of changing the world for good, and it is not a political process, it is a character process.

I certainly hope President Obama and other world leaders can solve our problems and make the world a better place, but I am not counting on it nor am I dependent on it. This world is just a temporary residing place, and I am a foreigner here no matter what country I live in.

Charles Colson has some helpful reflections in this article to start off the New Year:

But if we look honestly at what started the credit crisis—moral failures and following false worldviews—we recognize that the solution demands more than any political savior can possibly deliver.

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