Saturday, August 19, 2006

'A More Practical Approach'

This thoughts in this article do not so much represent a new attitude by Christians in China as they represent a new kind of Christian in China.

Educated, urban professionals who have become Christians recently, and who became adults since Deng Xiaoping's reforms.

They have more progressive expectations for Chinese society than the less educated, rural Christians who have been believers longer and experienced persecution as a powerless minority.

This is an exciting development in China's move toward building a civil society. May God bless them and increase their numbers.

"As Yu Jie put it at the conference, 'Christians need to change from 'silent resilience' to a more practical approach. Christians have to change.' That more practical approach will require a shift in consciousness and terminology—from 'underground church' to 'family church,' said Yu Jie.

Yu Jie goes further. 'We want to bring changes to China through the love and justice of God, and through nonviolent means. God will raise great spiritual men like Martin Luther King and Archbishop Tutu who changed their countries by their faith.'"

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