Saturday, January 21, 2006

My Take on Broken Flowers

Kimberly and I saw this movie last night. It was my choice, I really like Bill Murray.

The ads for this movie made it seem to me like a blend between Lost in Translation and Sideways.

And it was. Slow, not much dialogue, kind of washed-out cinematography, a repetitive jazz track, very mundane. With no explicit moral.

I really liked it. Kimberly really didn't like it.

"Is that all? What's the point?!!" she wanted to know when the credits ran.

But the movie was interesting. It kept me wondering, what's going on inside his head? What is he learning from all this? How is he changing?

It's very understated, so you have to read between the lines.

Here's my take. It's a commentary on a life of dissipation. He's lived for himself, making no commitments or lasting attachments, and seems to not care about anything or anybody.

By the end of the movie, there's a kind of realization that he really wishes he had some connection. But he's wasted his life so far, and can't do anything about all of those years that he might have invested in building meaningful relationships.

His life is really shallow and uninteresting.

A great commentary on the value of investing in relationships, especially family, and a real indictment on the culture of me, that ultimately ends in emptiness.

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