Recognize that your message will be greeted differently based on people's personalities and viewpoints. It takes all kinds of approaches to persuade all kinds of people. Seth Godin gives a few examples:
Do I show you a powerpoint filled with bullets?
Or give you a spirited sales pitch while looking you in the eye...
Perhaps I should send a very attractive salesperson.
Do I amplify my word of mouth and be sure you hear about my idea from three people you trust?
Do I minimize fear or maximize gain?
Are you best persuaded in a group, surrounded by your boss or your employees or your family or people you trust? Will it matter if those around you give me a standing ovation?
Can I persuade you over time, drip, drip, drip, or do you respond better if you feel an avalanche is coming?
Will you change your mind if I'm funny? Or if I scare you to pieces?
Perhaps there's no way you'll be persuaded. Perhaps nothing I can say will make a difference. However, you've told yourself that before and been wrong...
Will you buy if you get a discount? What if the price is high and going up tomorrow?
Do you want to be the first person to embrace an idea (or the last)?
Here's the thing: unlike every other species, human beings make decisions differently from one another. And the thing that persuades you is unlikely to be the thing that persuades the next guy. Our personal outlook is a lousy indicator of what works for anyone else.